How to get 50% offer from mtn
To get d 50mb from mtn per day @ 100N you people no DT mtn usually give 10mb @ 100N BT to get d 50mb from mtn per day
You just have to subscribe for d 10mb per day by dialing *123*3# and 1to process it and 100N will be deducted from ur account and u will be given d 10mb
Now to get d 50mb for 100N
D 10mb u are given before just make use of it to 1mb and subscribe again u will get anoder 10mb making 11mb den in de nest day make use of d 11mb to 2mb before 24hr and in the third days subscribe again u will be given 10mb again making 12mb now use d 12mb to 3mb before 24hrs after dt now don't load card on ur phone wen d 24hr nark u will received a message dt yellow your subscription to 10mb failed due to insufficient balance now load ur 100n card and dail *123*3# den press 1 to procces now u will be given d 50mb
U will c a message lyk wt u c in d image below drop ur comment
BT make sure before u subscribe you are in mtn beta talk ooo hapi chatin DT is at am also using now
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