Friday, April 7, 2017

Waec 2017 Health Science Obj And Theory answers available

1a)Tabulate And Complet-PHOSPHORUSSOURCE (i) Cereals and legumesDEFICIENCY (ii) poor bone formation andgrowth-IRONSOURCE (i) hemeand nonhemeDEFICIENCY (ii) anemia-COPPERSSOURCE (i) sesame seeds, cashews, and soybeansDEFICIENCY (ii) anemia
1b)i)gastric juiceii)pancreatic juiceiii)bile and intestinal juiceiv)Saliva=============
2a)Community health is a major field of study withinthe medical and clinical sciences which focuseson the maintenance, protection and improvement of the health status of population groups and communities as opposed to the health of individual patients.
2b)i) having fun – being serious,ii) trying – mastering,iii) getting support – feeling independentiv) student – professional identity.============
3)Four factorsi)Heredity: Heredity and genes certainly play an important role in the transmission of physical and social characteristics from parents to off-springs.ii)Sex: Sex is a very important factor which influences human growth and development.iii)Socioeconomic: Socioeconomic factors definitely have some affect.iv) Nutritional: Growth is directly related with nutrition. The human body requires an adequate supply of calories for its normal growth and this need of requirements vary with the phase of development.=============
4)Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble food molecules so that they can be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. In certain organisms, these smaller substances are absorbed through the small intestine into the blood stream.=============
5a)Mouth is used for chewing
5b)Gullet is used for transporting food the stomach
5c)the small intestine helps in absorption of nutrients and minerals from food.5d)large intestine is to absorb water from the remaining indigestible foodmatter and transmit the useless waste material from the body.============
6)i)through Orallyii)Through injectioniiiT)hrough inhaling============
7a)Pollution is the introduction of contaminants intothe natural environment that cause adverse change
7b)i)volatile oranicii)chorinatediii)disinfectioniv)various chemical compoind
7c)1. Swelling or bruising over a bone.2. Deformity of an arm or leg.3. Pain in the injured area that gets worse when the area is moved or pressure is applied.=============
8a)A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s or society’s ability to cope using its own resources.
8aii)i)*Carbon Dioxide Emissions:*The human activity most widely viewed as changing the planet is the burning of fossil fuels.In order to produce the energy that drives the world’s economy, countries rely on carbon-rich fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas.ii)*Draining Rivers*Life depends heavily on the supply of fresh water that exists in rivers, lakes, and aquifers. According to Wired Science , it’s estimated that one fourth of Earth’s river basins run dry before ever reaching the ocean.iii)*Black Carbon*For centuries, humans have engaged in activitiesthat produce black carbon particles. Black carbon particles are released into the atmosphere in the form of smoke that is produced by cooking with solid animal fuels, burning trees, and spewing diesel exhaust.iv)*Industrial Agriculture*As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the amount of farmland needed to provide sufficient food.v)*Reef Destruction:*Ocean reefs make up the foundation of some of the world’s richest marine ecosystems. Their demise is disturbing the flow of nutrients and energy that support animal and plant life in our oceans.=============
9bi)i)Ground sourcesii)Precipitationiii)Surface water
9ci)i)Red Blood Cellii)Anemiaiii)pallor.iv)plastic Anemiav)Clumps of sickle cells============COMPLETED==========

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